Physician Survey

  • Please answer the following questions regarding your experience with the above facility by selecting from available options that best describes your answer.
  • How long have you referred patients to this facility?

  • Please base your answers on your contact with the facility in the past 6 months.

  • How satisfied are you with how long it generally takes: (Please rate each item by selecting the number that best describes your opinion)
  • To get an appointment for a patient at this facility?
  • To obtain written results (a written consultation) from this facility once your patient has been seen?
  • To get an oral report from this facility when it is required because of an emergency?
  • How often do you speak to a physician at the IHF regarding the patient's clinical condition before your patient receives a diagnostic work-up
  • Approximately how many patients have you referred to this facility in the past 6 months?
    Please enter a value between 0 and 1000.
  • Do you refer your patients to more that one facility of this type. [If no, please skip to question number 7
  • What are the reasons you refer patients to this particular facility? [Please check all that apply]
  • What are the reasons you refer patients only to this facility? [Please check all that apply].
  • Have you been dissatisfied with a consult you received from this facility in the past size months?

  • 9. Please rate each item below by selecting the number that best describes your experience with the IHF based on your contacts in the last 6 months
  • The waiting period for a test to be done is long
  • Requests for consultation are handled promptly
  • The facility accommodates patients when the test is urgently required
  • The interpreting physician is available to you for consultation
  • The facility meets the needs of my patients whose first language is other that English or French
  • The recommendations received are useful in patient management.
  • The recommendations are clearly stated
  • The reports are too wordy
  • Reports of results are sent out in a timely fashion.
  • When tests are added the resulting recommendations add information important to patient care
  • The consulting physician orders tests in addition to those you requested
  • The interpreting physician's findings are generally consistent with your clinical findings.

  • Overall, how satisfied are you with the contacts you have had with this facility in the past six months

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.